Tales from the Bottom of our Garden
Berlin Walls
"The walls are broad. They were built a long time ago. They are tall, too tall. They were built to last, to protect. They confine the gardens. They confine freedom. Mankind has not always resided in caverns of steel, surrounded by berlin walls. I must return to the past, search for memories. Perhaps I could find the answers in the Shelter's archives. I shall go there forthwith."
125 Gevs
A very, very, mindbogglingly long time ago, mankind had everything. Everything, that is, except feeling, compassion, fellowship, whatever you want to call it. And although it was impossible for humanity to know that this was missing, it was generally believed that something was nevertheless "not quite right". It was for this reason, therefore, that the Rosemary Project was launched with the ultimate goal of finding the missing piece of the puzzle in order to achieve human perfection. This elusive thingamajig, also known as the 'Little Undefined Variable or LUV for short, was sought for by building the Extremely Large Particle Unit for Smashing Stuff or ELPUSS for short. Thousands of years later, the LUV field was eventually discovered but by then it was too late for most of humanity and the Earth was, to be blunt, a bit of a mess due to the centuries of "me, me, me greed" and "so, so, so what-ism"; so much so that it became necessary to abandon the planet completely and seek out a new world across the immensity of space.
It should be pointed out here that though this was in fact a long time ago it was also an unbelievably long time after the "The Great Punch Up" of 2042 which effectively wiped out mankind's knowledge of the universe except for a few ancient scribbles describing and depicting a night sky full of other suns and other planets. By now, indeed, the sky was devoid of stars due to the endless expansion of space and most people thought that these archives were just the inventions of ancient ignorant shepherds searching for the meaning of life. There were, nevertheless, a few optimists who pointed out that anyway there was no choice but to seek out new worlds.
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