Tales from the Bottom of our Garden
Voyager 1
The captain ventures deep into the heart of the Earth, searching for the research centre where he can begin his search for the answers he knows must lie somewhere in the dog-eared pages of some immense and complex but hopefully alphabetically-classified basement classification system. After many years he eventually stumbles across some interesting documents in the local library. It would seem that many, many, many, mindbogglingly many years ago at the beginning of the so-called space era, a space probe had been launched carrying with it artefacts and messages from the Earth into interstellar space (oh, so other stars did exist!). Perhaps the probe had found a planet more habitable than the Earth. Perhaps it had evolved and become intelligent like the Culture ships. He must try to contact it. He would try. Tomorrow...
Rosemary's Coming
And every day of his life he would try.
Or the day after...depending on his timetable
At the moment he's got a lot on.
He has to get back to the gardens and help his friends, watch the flowers grow, smoke a little weed...
And also there's Rosemary. She's coming soon. Perhaps she'll have the answer. She'll be here tomorrow...or the day after...whatever happens she's definitely coming.